CPA William Shuford
6 Concourse Pkwy #600, Concourse Corporate Center 6 Atlanta, GA ,
(0 out of 0) | + consults
Ryan has practiced public accounting since 2004. He provides tax compliance, consulting, and planning services to entities including family-owned businesses, closely held entities, cooperatives, and venture capital-owned businesses; federal and state income tax services to companies operating in multi-state and foreign jurisdictions; consultation in the areas of business succession and transition planning; choice of entity planning; business acquisitions and dispositions; and a variety of federal and state tax credits and incentives associated with research and development, domestic manufacturing, and export activities.
Ryan currently serves clients in the manufacturing, distribution, food processing, agriculture, natural resources, and hospitality industries. He takes a hands-on approach to serving his clients and is focused on being actively involved with engagements from planning to completion.
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