Jennifer has provided tax assistance to large multistate companies since 1992. She delivers state income, franchise, sales, Washington B&O, and property tax experience in multiple industries, with a specialization in transportation and logistics. She has experience in incentives identification and negotiation, audit defense and settlement, due diligence, corporate reorganizations, tax accounting, and entity simplification. Jennifer has also performed and reviewed multi-state nexus and apportionment studies, and tax provisions including documentation of uncertain tax positions.
Selected Publications
- "Claim Oregon’s Construction-in-Process Property Tax Exemption by April 1, 2019" (Moss Adams Alert, March 2019)
- "Portland’s Clean Energy Surcharge Tax Could Increase Costs for Businesses" (Moss Adams Insight, March 2019)
- "Clean Energy Tax Is Imposed for Certain Portland Retailers" (Moss Adams Alert, November 2018)
- "State-By-State Apportionment Schedules Could Help Businesses Better Comply with State Laws" (Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives, June 2018)
- "IRC Section 965 and State Tax Compliance-Additional Attention Required" (Moss Adams Insight, May 2018)
- "Prepare for Changes to Your Oregon Taxes" (Moss Adams Alert, September 2017)
- "Are You Prepared for Oregon’s Move to Market Sourcing?" (Moss Adams Alert, August 2017)
- "Credits Can No Longer Be Applied Against Oregon’s Minimum Tax" (Council on State Taxation, August 2017)
- "Tennessee Goes Beyond Physical Presence to Subject Out-of-State Businesses to Its Business Tax" (Moss Adams Alerts, March 2017)
- "Could Washington State Collect Additional Taxes on Your Dock Sales with New Rule 193?" (Moss Adams Insights, March 2017)
- "Arizona’s Simplified Sales Tax Reporting Isn’t That Simple" (Moss Adams Alerts, February 2017)
- "Nevada’s Grace Period Waiver Expires February 15 for the First Commerce Tax Filing" (Moss Adams Alerts, February 2017)
Selected Speaking Engagements
- Oregon Ballot Measure 97
(PROSPER, September 2016) - Oregon Income Tax Considerations for the Sale of a Parnership Interest
(COST Pacific Northwest Regional State Tax Meeting, August 2016) - Don’t Get Caught Sleeping Through State Tax Issues
(2016 OSCPA Forest Products Conference, June 2016) - State Tax Update
(Tax Executives Institute, Portland Chapter’s Annual Meeting, April 2016) - Better Mileage for Your Business: Tax Dollars and Related Transportation Diligence Topics
(Moss Adams Webcast, May 2015)
Professional Affiliations
- Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Member, Council on State Taxation
- Member, Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants
- BS, accounting, Portland State University
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